
While each property is unique and there is not a “one size fits all” living shoreline solution, there are steps you can follow to ensure the right living shoreline is implemented on your property.

This section breaks the process down into seven steps and allows homeowners to make an informed decision on the best management practice for erosion prevention on their property.

Living Shorelines: A Step-by-Step Guide

Before getting into the details, the first step is determining if the property in question is a good candidate for a living shoreline. An easy way to do this is to use the Living Shoreline Site Suitability Model.
Once you have reviewed the recommendations provided by the Living Shoreline Site Suitability Model, it is time to do a visual site assessment to explore the specific conditions on your property and determine which living shoreline option to pursue.
After learning about the conditions on your property from the visual site assessment, you can now start to determine which living shoreline option would be the best fit for your site.
A successful living shoreline project often requires the involvement of a shoreline management professional with experience and expertise in designing and installing living shorelines.
The permitting process can be daunting for any shoreline project. Fortunately, help is available! We have compiled everything you need to know to help ensure a smooth permitting process.
Once you have successfully navigated the permitting process, you are now ready to begin bringing your living shorelines project to life.
Even the most successful living shoreline will require some monitoring and maintenance over time. Monitoring the project can help you determine how well the project is holding up, if it is providing the expected benefits, and if it is impacting adjacent properties.